Learn About The P.E.T. Method

Connect with a deeper understanding

Personal Readings with Dr.Lisa 

Experience the P.E.T. Method of Animal Communication for yourself and your pet with Dr. Lisa's unique personal readings. 


Dr Lisa is without doubt first on my list as expert. Her deep respect and love for our animal earth companions is displayed in how she lives her life, continually offering service to our relationship with animals not only through her valuable experience as a highly regarded Vet but also through the services she offers through her business Animal Connection with Dr Lisa and Ultimate P.E.T. Partnership.

I consider myself VERY fortunate to have connected with her.


Meet Dr Lisa Winters

With her unique animal communication techniques and her innovative Pet Tarot Therapy, Dr. Lisa is helping pets and their owners to connect on a deeper level. Her Pet Tarot Therapy is a therapeutic tool that is truly changing the game. By getting to the root of a pet's problems, pet owners can gain a deeper understanding of their furry friends, and the pet tarot cards serve as an anchor to connect even more deeply with the animals.

Learn More About Dr Lisa
P.E.T Partnership Reading 

The ultimate service for you and your fur baby. This offering combines animal communication, pet tarot therapy, and human tarot therapy to create a comprehensive reading experience for either you or your pet. The reading is designed to help you achieve a deeper level of understanding and connection with your furry friend or find personal clarity and direction.


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P.E.T. Re-Membering Reading 

P.E.T. Remembering Reading, is a service designed to help pet parents reconnect with their beloved pets who have passed over the rainbow bridge. If you're struggling with the loss of your furry friend, we're here to help you tap into the power of your love and connect with them on a spiritual level. 




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P.E.T. Empowerment Package

The ultimate package is designed to help you and your furry friend develop a deeper, more meaningful connection and achieve your full potential. Dr. Lisa’s comprehensive program is based on the principles of holistic life coaching and is tailored to meet the specific needs and goals of you and your pet. 

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P.E.T. Partnership Reading

This offering combines animal communication, pet tarot therapy, and human tarot therapy to create a comprehensive reading experience for either you or your pet. Here are some key points about the reading: 

  • Dr. Lisa, a veterinarian, animal communication, and pet tarot expert, has created this service with her extensive knowledge and experience in animal care, animal communication, and tarot therapy. You can trust her to guide you and your pet toward a more fulfilling and rewarding relationship. 
  • The P.E.T. Partnership Reading is a reading where you select the reading most aligned to your needs. For animals, It combines the wisdom of pet tarot reading with the knowledge of animal behaviour and communication, for humans Dr.Lisa combines human tarot therapy and soul journey readings.
  • The reading is designed to help you achieve a deeper level of understanding and connection with your furry friend or find personal clarity and direction. 
  • Through a pet reading, you will gain a deeper understanding of your pet's soul contract - their reason for being here with you and their purpose in your life. This knowledge will enable you to create a more fulfilling and meaningful relationship with your pet. 
  • You will also learn effective communication techniques and strategies to strengthen your bond with your pet. This includes identifying any underlying issues that may be affecting the harmony of your relationship. 
  • The reading is tailored to address any behavioural issues or health concerns your pet may be experiencing. By understanding your pet's unique personality and needs, you can develop a customized strategy to help them overcome these challenges. 
  • But it's not just about your pet - IF you choose to select a reading for your own clarity and direction,  you'll gain valuable insights into your own emotions and behaviours and how they impact your relationship with your pet. Identifying and addressing any underlying issues can create a more positive and balanced dynamic between you and your furry companion. 

Don't wait any longer to deepen your bond with your fur baby. Book your P.E.T. Partnership Reading today and start experiencing the ultimate connection with your pet!

$150 USD



P.E.T. Re-Membering Reading

A P.E.T. Re-Membering Reading is a pet tarot therapy reading that utilizes animal communication, pet tarot therapy, and mediumship skills to help pet parents connect with their pets who have passed away. During the reading, you'll receive loving, life-nurturing messages from your pet, and you'll also learn techniques to help you reconnect with them on a spiritual level, so you never forget them.

Why choose P.E.T. Remembering Reading? 

  • This style of reading is designed to help you reconnect with your pet in a meaningful and powerful way, so you can continue to feel their love and presence in your life. 
  • Dr. Lisa has years of experience helping pet parents work through their grief and reconnect with their pets on a spiritual level. 
  • Dr. Lisa uses a unique combination of pet tarot therapy, animal communication, and mediumship skills to help you receive loving, life-nurturing messages from your pet. 
  • This reading is personalized to meet your specific needs, so you can feel comfortable and supported throughout the process.

What to expect during a P.E.T. Remembering Reading: 

  • A one-on-one consultation with Dr.Lisa, a veterinarian, animal communication, and pet tarot expert, will guide you through the process of reconnecting with your pet.
  •  A pet tarot therapy reading that uses animal communication and mediumship skills to help you receive loving, life-nurturing messages from your pet. 
  • Techniques to help you reconnect with your pet on a spiritual level so you can continue to feel their presence in your life. 
  • Grief counselling and support to help you process your emotions and work through any guilt or worries you may have about your pet's passing. 
  • Validation and peace of mind over decisions you made during your pet's life and at the end of their life. 
  • Reassurance that your pet is still with you in spirit and that their love will always be with you.

If you're ready to reconnect with your beloved pet who has passed, contact us today to schedule your P.E.T. Remembering Reading. Dr Lisa is here to support you on your journey of healing and remembrance.

$150 USD 


Are you looking for more than a one-off reading to support you?

  • Are you tired of feeling like you're not quite sure what your pet needs or how to provide it? 
  • Do you want to understand your pet's behavior and personality on a deeper level? 

Look no further than the P.E.T. Empowerment Package.


Free Beginners Guide to Pet Tarot

Experience Dr.Lisa as she guides you through an introduction to Pet Tarot in these 3 powerful video masterclasses