The P.E.T. Partnership Program Level 1

Cultivate a stronger stress-free relationship with your pet.









Do you want a better understanding of your pet?

It is true, animals truly are "a man's best friend", but how do we become the best friend they need?

As a vet, I use animal communication on a daily basis to help me get to the root of the problem the animal is experiencing and ultimately help cure them of many diseases they are facing. I remember one of the first days practicing as a new graduate when I used animal communication to help me figure out what was going on with a sick patient. This gorgeous black cat presented to me for being unwell and not moving around as much as he normally did. I remember completing my physical examination and thinking to myself "I can't find anything wrong with him, I don't have a clue what could be going on with him, what am I going to say to his owners". It was at that moment, that I cupped his handsome face into my hands, looked him in the eyes, and said out loud "So tell me, what's going on with you?" The owners thought it was very cute that I was asking the cat what was wrong, but little did they know the cat quickly proceeded to tell me exactly what was going on with him. I vividly remember hearing him say "I'm very sick, I think I'm diabetic." It was at that moment I turned to the owners and said, "He says he's very sick, I think he's diabetic and we need to do some tests to find out." A few tests later quickly confirmed exactly what he had told me, he was in fact a diabetic. Fast forward 20 years, I still look my patients in the eyes and say, "So tell me, what's going on with you?"

Tell me if this is you.


Heath & Emotional Concerns

Do you ever know something is not right with your pet but feel concerned and frustrated that you cannot help them?

Behavior Issues

Are you experiencing behavioral issues that traditional training is not solving?  Are you feeling disconnected and out of control over a problem they are experiencing?


Do you want to understand how a change in circumstances is effecting you pet, a new family member, a new pet, a new home can all leave us feeling overwhelmed. How does your pet feel?

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Imagine what life with your pet could really be like if you could communicate.


I have over 20 years experience being a veterinarian, pet tarot, and animal communication expert. Ongoing validations and experiences have led me to understand that all people have the ability to communicate with animals. Using my unique animal communication techniques I empower you to achieve extraordinary, connected relationships with your pets by removing the fear of the unknown. With proven results in my abilities to not only connect with and give in-depth and accurate readings for owners but to also teach people, like you, how to do what I do. How to become a P. E. T. Partner using my unique P.E.T. Method of Animal Communication.

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Introducing the P.E.T. Partnership Program?

Online Learning 

Small, easily absorbed video and written content all accessed through your own personal account in my online learning portal. Listen on the go with a mobile app, or sit at your laptop.  Templates, handouts, and more to support your practical learning and the theory of The P.E.T. Method of Animal Communication.


A private online space to build a connection with like-minded people, offer advice and give support to you throughout your learning.  Each intake of the program have very limited numbers to ensure a personal approach and opportunity to build life long friends.


Real- time Mentoring

Dr Lisa avidly believes in giving over and above in her programs.  This is not just a self-paced online course. Over 10 weeks, you will have live mentoring in a small group format, Q&A sessions via Zoom with Dr. Lisa and time to practice your learning.  All of Dr. Lisa's students are known to her by name, as are their pets. 

Created with you in mind


I have created my P.E.T. Partnership Program using the principles of the P.E.T. Method of Animal Communication to be the ultimate way to support pet parents. This program has been uniquely created with you in mind and will allow you to cultivate a stronger, stress-free connection with your fur baby that ultimately puts you back in control by allowing your pet to be validated and you being their voice and advocate. 

Gone are the days of feeling frustrated with the situation you’re in and feeling like everything you’ve done or tired is not working. Gone are the days of feeling frustrated and not knowing what to do. 


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What is the P.E.T. Method?

 Pride - Empowerment - Trust

  • Pride - allows us to form a strong Pet / Owner bond through purposeful communication which helps regain your ability to communicate with your pet by removing fear of the unknown and opening a direct line of collaboration with your chosen animal. 
  • Empowerment - is about creating a partnership with your pet that gives back your ability to deal with stressful situations and ultimately develops a unity that cannot be broken. 
  • Trust - is the cultivation of building confidence in yourself that your pet will translate as confidence within them.



Through Dr Lisa’s years of working with animals on both a personal and professional level as a Senior Veterinarian, her knowledge of animal nature and her natural ability to connect with them, she is able to show you how to awaken your senses to your own connection to animals and their owners.
I highly recommend her services and programs.

Join me on my mission 

My Ultimate P.E.T. Partnership Program has been created with you, the pet parent, in mind and is ready to give you the unique skills I've been creating my entire life! Come join me on this mission to help pets feel validated and enable them to connect with their humans on a deeper level and create my vision for every person to be a voice and advocate for all animals to help co-create a better world.